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Celebration of New Life: Raising Awareness for Transplantation for Liver Disease and Cancer Gala

Join us for an evening of celebration, awareness, and philanthropy - the Celebration of New Life: Raising Awareness for Transplantation for Liver Disease and Cancer Gala. This remarkable event not only marks the 30-year milestone of the International Liver Transplantation Society, but also endeavors to raise awareness about liver disease and liver cancer, while celebrating the hope and transformation that new life brings.

 This evening promises to be inspiring as we honor adult and pediatric transplant recipients:

Albert Brown

Reid Burrel

Rosario Dominguez

Abby and Reid Gray

Olive Anne and Tres Kleberg

Jayesh Patel

Guests will also enjoy an exquisite dining experience, captivating entertainment, and heartfelt stories from patients, caregivers, and medical professionals who have witnessed the incredible power of liver transplantation.